Alexander Baldinger
President of BoD
BSc in Economy and Business Administration, with rich experience in accounting and executive finance positions in large companies in Switzerland, including 12 years with Nomura Bank. Since 2001 to this day he has worked as an Independent Consultant – Administrator for Project Partnership, providing consulting in the field of reorganization and refinancing of SMEs. He acts as an advisor to financial institutions and banks in fund management with product development, marketing, sales and administration. He is member of the Board of Contemp Art Gallery Konau AG (art trade). Mr. Baldinger’s extensive experience helps the Board of Directors of Redmond Asset Finance in its statutory role as supervisor of the company management.

Dragan Asanin
Chief Executive Officer
M.Sc. in FTV Production from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of University of Belgrade (SRB). Mr. Asanin is successful in different business areas from TV and movie production through international trade to management in different investment projects. He has an excellent track record in administrative procedures in product management. Part of his career he acted as a representative of numerous foreign companies for territories of South-East Europe and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: Melvin Saimon – USA, Vikers – UK, Artema – Denmark, Mobil Oil USA, 20th FOX and WALT DISNEY USA, KONTRON Instruments – USA, Hill Rom – Airshields – UK, Mie – USA, Biotronic and Abbott – Germany. Mr. Asanin was Director – Coordinator in Swiss-Montenegro Chamber of Commerce (1995 – 1997) and the founder of the company Montenegro Harvest – Podgorica, Roundhead LTD – London, Infinia-IT – Zurich.

Miodrag Pavlovic
Chief Financial Officer
Holds M.Sc. in Economics from the Faculty of Economy of the University of Belgrade. Mr. Pavlovic has extensive banking experience in Beobanka, on leadership positions in sectors for bank loans, crediting and guarantees in foreign trade and special fund management. Mr. Pavlovic’s expertise includes investments, foreign and domestic trade, financial transactions and logistics at Fincomtrust Company, Building Directorate of Serbia, Generalexport and the Defense Reform Fund.

Jovan Simunovic
Chief Operations Officer
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Apart from teaching positions, he occupied positions of Managing Director in several production facilities: Public Utility for Water Supply “Komunalac”, “Stork” company for mineral water and juices production, “Rapid” production of PET and pre-forms, “Envirotech” Water cleansing utilities, CEO of “Zlatibo2r voda” Bottling water factory; owner and CEO of “EkoEnergija”.
+ 381 63 205 305
Birčaninova 25
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
9:00 – 17:00